Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hey fellow blogger/artists....
It's getting time to think about and start getting ready for the "ART-A-DAY" show we are going to have at 17 1/2 No. Auburn Gallery on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of March. Here are a few of the things I have been thinking:
First Thursday we will be open from noon to 9pm. Friday and Saturday from noon to 6pm. I will ask and hope that every artist represented in the show will be at First Thursday. I am thinking of setting up a computer with the screen blinking the images we sent to the blog. Rastovich...if you have a hankering to take this project over, I'd love it. Something tells me you know bunches more than I do in this area. But if you are overwhelmed with the thought of adding one more thing to do, I can certainly understand. Let me know okay? If any of you want to come hang out in the gallery on Friday and/or Saturday I'd love the company. We can have a mini-salon, eh? Eat the rest of the food, drink wine, OH, and sell art! I will be in town on Monday the 1st and will be in the gallery preparing for the show. I would like the art to be to the gallery no later than Tuesday the 2nd which will give Bobi and I Wednesday to get everything hung and placed. So please plan on delivering your art and inventory lists which include title, dimensions, and price (so we can make a tag) Monday or Tuesday . My cell phone is 503.708.6187 if you have any questions.
For this show the gallery will not take any commission from the selling price. So please consider keeping your prices low enough that they can all blow out of the gallery. Wouldn't that be great? Then we can be free to make more art....yeehaw.
I am also asking everyone to help out with the munchies, crunchies and gulps. Please consider bring a bottle of wine and one appetizer for the show. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. A bowl of m&m's or potato chips would be perfect. I will have a few things also, but any help would be appreciated. I'll supply the glasses plates and napkins.
Okay, that is all I can think of for now. Blog questions, thoughts, suggestions, okay?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Entertainer

Check out the center fold of the Entertainer - now on newsstands! Woot!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ancestral Journey

This a 24"x 72" diptych I've been working on.
The two photographs were shot side by side so I have a flow of composition. And they are the same exposure. This is easier than picking through random ones I've shot at different times and trying to make them work together.