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9th Annual Art-a-Day Challenge, January 2018!
Friday, December 31, 2010
New Brushes
Almost as great as a new box of 64 crayons - new brushes and some new paint colors came in the mail yesterday. Just in time for a new subject. Grapes! I missed Art-a-Day last year so really looking forward to the adventure.
Getting Ready...

Hello, I am excited about Art a Day. Thought I would work on already started pieces. Let's be honest.. some of these were started over 5 or 6 years ago. Have some pictures of undone paintings but didn't want to post several pictures today, but thought I'd post one nearly done, will be finishing and putting up in Cool Beans this coming week. It's 2 16x20 canvases making one image. But I'd figure I'd send before and after shots of stuff I work on :))
I can't believe it's been a year. I did this last year and still doing some sort of art everyday. So if I make it through January that will be 13 months in a row. :))
"And, after all, isn't art in all its forms the beautiful trail of our all-too-human attempts to say, again and again, I Am Here." (Mark Nepo) Yes. I am here. And I see you. And beyond all that we see, we try to share with our own souls and the souls of those who take the one moment to stand in the presence of our small humble offerings of art, no matter the matter the perfection...we offer. We offer. And we say...I am here. And I see you.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I'm in!

Thanks for doing this again! I hesitated at first because I have major life transitions going on (again!), but decided if nothing else I would like to commit to sketching every day with the goal of tapping into my emotional reflections of my surroundings. That much I feel confident I can do in spite of whatever else is going on, so I just got home from the new Dick Blick on Capitol Hill with a couple new moleskins and some killer pens. I'm excited and ready to roll. I trust the exercise will yield growth and perhaps new insights.
In the mean time, I thought I would share a new girl I completed this year. (Proud mama!) She's a glorious 30X40; gawd I love to work big!
Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful and interesting work! Happy New Year! Shelli
Monday, December 20, 2010
My first blog entry
I did it! My first blog entry ever. My art has been dormant for years. This activity will kick-start me. Am completing my second commission since starting up again, just in time for Christmas, then I want to go in a new direction. Not sure. I want to push colors, open up more to expressionistic painting.
Great to be participating in art-a-day.
Great to be participating in art-a-day.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Welcome to All and particularly those who joined us despite my less-than-graceful invitation letter. I misspelled "repetition" and "soliloquy" and, so help me, I never get recieve right. So much for spellchek. :-/
So delighted to have you here for Art-a-Day! The challenge officially starts January 1st but the fun starts now! I'm getting pumped. I have three challenges in mind for myself.
1. try totally new forms, materials, aesthetics and whatever else new and untried I can figure out without buying any special supplies.
2. stretch my metalsmith skills on a new jewelry concept. However, this one I want to hold close and dear so might not share many pictures of these. We'll see...
3. Play with dolls! During the first Art-a-Day I made cut-out type dolls from copper and a little stage for them thinking something along the lines of Kabuki theater. Actually, I was thinking "Noh" theater, and since it was neither I called it Noht Kabuki. (*pa dum pum*) That never came to pass so, for my own sheer delight, I'm going to pose them and share pictures. Hopefully a new one each day.
This last one blows my mind since I so totally never "got" playing with dolls as a child. Bouncing Barby on her dainty little feet, talking dribble in a tiny little voices and pretending to shop, drink tea and talk to boys while being all stiff and, well, weird??? I don't get it. I couldn't even "pretend" with my children. Thank goodness they had friends.
I look forward to the ride with you this month!
I look forward to the ride with you this month!
Monday, November 29, 2010

So this works like any other blogger blog...right? just post's a pic I'm going to post to see if it works like my blogs.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Trouble Posting?
You must receive an invitation to become an author on this blog. Without authorship you can comment but not create new posts.
If interested, send me a note at with the email address you use for your google account. (Creating one is easy). Then watch your inbox for the invitation. I'll get to it ASAP. Following the link as instructed within that email and you ought to be in!
I had all kinds of challenges when I first linked in - including it transcribing my words into Hindi! - so I understand how frustrating it can be.
If interested, send me a note at with the email address you use for your google account. (Creating one is easy). Then watch your inbox for the invitation. I'll get to it ASAP. Following the link as instructed within that email and you ought to be in!
I had all kinds of challenges when I first linked in - including it transcribing my words into Hindi! - so I understand how frustrating it can be.
Monday, November 15, 2010
January Blog
Get your creative thinking cap on and prepare for the upcoming challenge.
I'm testing to see if this works for me...
And excited that I had written down my passwords so I can still get in.
I'm testing to see if this works for me...
And excited that I had written down my passwords so I can still get in.
Ready for Art-a-Day 2011? Woohoo!
I'm getting excited. It's become very Pavlovian for me - I begin salivating at the thought of honoring my studio time, planning for it, prepping for it, holding the time sacred. Perhaps this year the habit will stick! My hat's off to all artists who have developed (out of need or discipline) good work habits. I kneel at your feet.
Monday, May 24, 2010
DZ Place
Monday, March 8, 2010
Thank you Art-a-Day Heroes!
Congratulations on an excellent show and THANK YOU to all of you who stepped up and made it happen while also holding me so lovingly at this time. You are the best.
Keep January 2011 in mind. Keep creating. Keep posting.
Keep January 2011 in mind. Keep creating. Keep posting.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
See you at the Show!
The Art-a-Day 2 Show:
Studio 17B at 17-1/2 N. Auburn, Downtown Kennewick (next door to Laura Gable Studio Gallery)
March 4, 5 and 6
Thursday:5pm – 8pm (First Thursday Art Walk)
Friday and Saturday: Noon – 6pm
Check out the First Thursday write-up in Friday's Tri City Herald "Atomic Town" insert, page 8. Lots of great art!
See you there!
Friday, February 26, 2010
So much fun!
I am having oh-my-gosh so much FUN in my studio these days!!!
I had to put Art-a-Day aside for the first couples of weeks of February to tend to other interests and deadlines that were backing up. I got in to the studio somewhat but am really pouring into it this week – and having SO MUCH FUN! Have I mentioned that yet? I don’t think I’ve had this sort of sustained fun in the studio –ever!
I’ve given over to my secret love affair with minutiae. I have this thing for tiny boxes, little bits of scraps and intriguing cast-offs and the intricate relationships they make. Relationships to one another and relationship to an emerging theme that, I hope, engages the viewer – or wearer.
Years ago I made little Jack-in-the-box lapel pins.I didn’t have the skills back then to do what I can now – so I meticulously cut, glued and painted tongue depressors into boxes with hinged lids and then made teeny little clowns on springs to go inside. My siblings find me a bit twisted in this regard, I think, and pertaining to the time and effort required for each one commented something like, “…that’s why God invented the Philippines. “ In my kid-sister wispiness I think I allowed that to put me off – but now I’m back – and having so-much-fun!
The Art-a-Day experience allowed me to “mess” with things again and I got caught up in the little boxes. I diverted from the path yet again by trying to make teensy jewelry works with scenes but they fell flat, uninteresting. So I let go of rules and let myself play, even using glue (*gasp* a metalsmithing no-no) when the occasion called for it. Once I let go of that rule I started experimenting and lo and behold, ended up bettering some of my metalsmithing skills along the way!
I’m telling you this Art-a-Day thing is magic. Show up. Let go. See what happens. Someday soon I hope to post about exciting things coming to pass from last year’s Art-a-Day process. Too much still pending, stay tuned!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Art-a-Day show
In case the email didn't get through, my apologies! Let me know if you have questions.
Dear Fabulous Art-a-Day'ers,
This is a quick heads up and a few details about the Art-a-Day gallery show. More information to follow,
Important! Please respond to this email "yes", or "no" if you will be participating in the show. (or respond on the blog if you have not already confirmed)
Please join us! Last year's show was a delightful event with great art and a nice diversity of works, good traffic and art being sold! People have been asking if we are doing it again and are looking forward to attending.
Some Basics
Studio 17B, 17 1/2 Auburn St,. Downtown Kennewick
Deliver Art:
Tues: time tbd
Wed: time tbd
Show hours
5:00 - 8:00pm -Thurs, (First Thursday Art Walk)
Noon- 6:00pm - Friday and Saturday
Pick up art: 6:00pm Saturday.
There will be a 10% fee this year, collected on art sold. This helps defray some of our costs and helps you price to sell.
My sincere thanks to each and every one of you for this wonderful Art-a-Day experience.
509Art: making a difference. making art.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Still Painting
Hello, yes I have missed the blog as well. I have nothing to show right now, probably unorganized, but I have painted every day since this started Jan 1st. Well there was 2 separate days where I put varnish on paintings, so I counted that. This is a first for me to paint that many days in a row. I even painted over the weekend. Went to Vancouver, WA Friday night and came home Saturday but painted a bit before leaving and then some when I got home.
It's amazing to see how much one can get done, even if you do just a little bit.. :)
It's amazing to see how much one can get done, even if you do just a little bit.. :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Some Days......
I miss sitting down with my morning cup of coffee and reading the Art-a-Day posts. That was my morning kick in the butt. So, in case there's anyone else out there in the same boat I post a new one. I collect great sayings. Not necessarily "presidential", earth moving or life altering ones, but ones that speak to me at that moment in my life. This morning I came upon one that screamed of my art-a-day experience. Doing something creative each day became easier, but something always seemed to get in the way when I was trying to sit myself down to post about it. This quote kind of sums it up. :0) “I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.” ― Jennifer Yane
Monday, February 1, 2010
One more

Funky Egyptian necklace-the medallion is something I worked up years ago-(when I moved here 16 or so years ago I had a jewelry I have a plethora of findings, beads and interesting baubles that I have collected through the never know when they might come in handy) so now it's been reworked into this necklace
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Final work for the month
Thank you
As Art-a-Day 2 comes to a close I wish to say Thank You! and express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for joining in on the adventure and making this such a great experience - artist, bloggers, followers and guests alike. You, so, rock!
But wait - there's more!
There is the Art-a-Day show March 4th,5th and 6th. If you wish to take part in the show send me your contact information so I can keep you updated and informed. Click my name on the blog and send me an email. Even if you think I already have it, please send it again.
But wait - there's more!
It's a bit sad as the blog winds down so feel free to continue sharing your stories, comments and processes as you pull it all together through February. Seeing the work has been fabulous though I must admit I particularly enjoy hearing about the Art-a-Day experience. I am repeatedly surprised by it. How about you?
Looking forward to experiencing the work "live" in March! Thank you, all.
But wait - there's more!
There is the Art-a-Day show March 4th,5th and 6th. If you wish to take part in the show send me your contact information so I can keep you updated and informed. Click my name on the blog and send me an email. Even if you think I already have it, please send it again.
But wait - there's more!
It's a bit sad as the blog winds down so feel free to continue sharing your stories, comments and processes as you pull it all together through February. Seeing the work has been fabulous though I must admit I particularly enjoy hearing about the Art-a-Day experience. I am repeatedly surprised by it. How about you?
Looking forward to experiencing the work "live" in March! Thank you, all.
Day 31 (bw)
Not a very productive art day for this one. I melted a "tree" and still trying to figure out how to make a wool mask. I do have some performance/installation art on my studio door window I'd like to share. Now to find where I put the software for my phone so I can download the images...
Day 31 - Since we all need a break - Beer Garden
Day 31 - Stargazer
Day 31 - Darth Shreddar
been making art all weekend!

I too fell off the wagon a couple of days toward the end of the month, so have been working all weekend to compensate. Have started 3 nudes besides this girl.
Speaking of her, one of my biggest struggles is letting go and letting my work be free of old voices telling me what art "must be or it isn't art." So in all her imperfect glory . . . (Ink washes, charcoal, pastel on paper)
I will continue to work on the other 3 and post when they are ready to share.
Great work all! Thanks for the fun ride. S
Day 31- final (Laura gable)
Not much actual art done today, save this sketch of "footprints on the shore". Twas a busy day breakfasting, working on taxes, creating
another calendar for the studio, climbing the hill by my house, and attending to family stuff. Really enjoyed the sunshine today.
Sai-oh-Nara January challenge. Now to put all these sketches on canvas. I think I've got my work cut out for me (February challenge, anyone?)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Day 30 (laura gable)

January 30 - Beer Garden, still in progress
Well it's Sat Jan 30, and yes I have been painting today, off and on. That makes 30 days in a row, and will probably paint Sunday 31, even though I haven't posted everything I have worked on. Anyhoo here again is Beer Garden. Nothing but small details left. Luckily I have had a little research today.. :)
Day 29 (Laura gable)

Here's a simple sketch of my Dad's old boots for the 29th day of this lovely month (hope to make it into a painting soon). My last post sounded the creative process was drudgery. I'd like to set the record straight and say that's not the case. It's been a very fun and experimental month. At times the art process can seem like a task, but once I settle down and settle in, I'm quickly overcome and absorbed. Aren't we all?? I'm finding it's good to keep the pen moving even if I don't know what I want to "say" artistically that day. It keeps my hand limber... sort of like yoga for the hand (smile).
progress on Emu egg
Ostrich Egg Carving
This is one of my other projects I work on besides watercolor. This is a first ever carving on an ostrich egg. The gray area is the part I shade with pencil to tell me what to take out. This is a relief carving.
As you can see this isn't quite finished. This is close to 6 hours of carving.

As you can see this isn't quite finished. This is close to 6 hours of carving.

Putting on finishing touches and washing out residue inside of the egg. Another couple of hours later. ( 8-10 total ) OOPS! I broke it! @#* Oh well..... You go into these projects knowing this will happen. Now back to the drawing board! :-)
Nothing like fresh air to awaken one's creativity..
What a great way to spend a bit of the day, wandering along the river shore. Yesterday I gathered smooth river rock and some waterlogged wood samples for a mosaic-mixed media piece that I have been creating idea by idea in my mind for months and am now finally able to begin to give it form. Here is the beginning rough draft. The final work will be a depiction of Native American platform fishing at Celilo Falls.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Day 29, (bw) Awfully quiet out here!
I'm giving fully over to my inclination to these teensy little boxes and very basic automata mechanisms. I'm seeing it as a playing out, an exercising of ideas I've been cogitating for a couple years but were too ambitious for my skill and knowledge level. These are my studies, my samplers. Beth Parker, when looking at my first little box scene (not one of the Art-a-Day projects) said, "this is your sketchbook!" What a gift that was. They are!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Day 28 (bw)
This is my equivalent of adding paint to multiple canvas'. Components, cut outs, waxes and molds for casting for various works. I managed the large cut outs (top) without any loss of blood. :) The castings are textures to be cast in silver and brass. Get to try my new-to-me burn-out kiln and try what is called steam-casting; using a wet towel shoved down on a 1300+degree casting and molten metal creating steam to shove the metal deep into the mold. The old-timey way before vacuum casting. Like Delia, breathe in... breathe out...
3 times a charm
day 27 & 28 (laura gable)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
My goodness, so much new content and lovely art!
I'm working on waxes, templates and cuttlebone carving to pour some metal this weekend. These and making some components for the small boxes I'm enamored with. I'll start cutting out the wall piece/clock within the next day or two. Not looking forward to that part. I'd really like to do something sizable and dimensional but it's just not coming.
Just spoke with two people, mother and daughter, who committed to Art-a-Day but found life too unyielding. However! their awareness of art is there daily because of the commitment. Even though they can't do the daily thing they have been changed and motivated by the process. Too cool! We might hear from them yet.
Some new stuff
Back on the Wagon
I fell off the wagon...well not exactly. I've been busy with work, which is creating art for others, so some days I just couldn't find enough energy to create more. And with three kids, one with special needs, life just has a way of getting in the way. I did this quail egg study last weekend, it still needs some finessing. I painted a ceiling mural, which is where last weeks creative energy went. This week I am working on marble columns, a decorative table and mardi gras masks. which I will post later.
Sketching away........
Why is it that when you're on the road or away from home your creative juices seem to sometimes flow unendingly and you cannot wait to get back to the studio and dive in yet once arriving at home "artist block" greets you at the door? Or is it just me? Or am I rambling? I'm at the end of five days away and my idea notebook and sketchbook are overflowing with great, creative ideas to attempt. My fingers are crossed my enthusiasm follows me in the door. Thank you for all your posts and pictures, they bring inspiration.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Only 5 more days!
That's right - only 5 more days in the January Art-a-Day challenge. I feel I'm just getting warmed up!
Remember, only works actively part of your January efforts are to be included in the show. So - go! Create like the wind!
er, you get the gist.
Remember, only works actively part of your January efforts are to be included in the show. So - go! Create like the wind!
er, you get the gist.
Day 24 - 26 (bw)
I've been peeking in here but unable to settle in to blog for couple days.
Keep chatting it up!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Jan 25 - O Shen 7
Jan 23 - Keyhole Space Door Thingy
I just discovered a way to view all the posts created by just one individual. When you are in the posting screen, go to the "Labels for this Post" box, and enter your name. It creates a clickable link on the blog. Once clicked, you can see all the posts that have that specific label (your name). You can refer to any of my posts for an example.
Also, if you're not quite sure how to go back and edit a post you already made, let me know and I can do it for you (since I have this admin POWER that Bobi gave me).
Perhaps everyone already knew this, but I was excited to make the discovery... so just have to share.
Also, if you're not quite sure how to go back and edit a post you already made, let me know and I can do it for you (since I have this admin POWER that Bobi gave me).
Perhaps everyone already knew this, but I was excited to make the discovery... so just have to share.
Art-a-Day Gallery Show in March
The Art-a-Day show is scheduled for March 4th, 5th and 6th at Studio 17B on Auburn St, in downtown Kennewick, WA. All works genuinely worked on during the Art-a-Day challenge are eligible. You have February to complete, frame or otherwise have them ready for show and, ideally, for sale. More details will follow as they are ironed out.
112 Posts to date
Hi Fellow Bloggers,
Can you believe that we have 112 posts on this blog to date. That's a major accomplishment compared to the 101 total posts for the challenge last year. What an amazing bunch of bloggers we are. Keep the posts coming!!
Can you believe that we have 112 posts on this blog to date. That's a major accomplishment compared to the 101 total posts for the challenge last year. What an amazing bunch of bloggers we are. Keep the posts coming!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Almost done . .
Valentine Mandala
I can't share pictures yet of what I've spent most of my time creating, as they are commission pieces for a cross stitch magazine and need to be secret until they are published. The first of the four is actually in the issue on the newsstand right now (the Jan/Feb 2010 issue of Just Cross Stitch) - I've got a picture on my home page, if you want to see it. They are mandalas for each of the seasons.
Here is a painted mandala I CAN show you. I was thinking Valentine's Day when I set up the palette. It is red India ink and watercolor. (Did you know India comes in colors now?) This is the first one I have done using a color instead of black ink.
Here is a painted mandala I CAN show you. I was thinking Valentine's Day when I set up the palette. It is red India ink and watercolor. (Did you know India comes in colors now?) This is the first one I have done using a color instead of black ink.
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