Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Years

Hello and checking in, happened to be on the planet for New Years LOL.  Here is a piece I got done 3 weeks ago. Gave it to a friend for 50th Birthday..  I call it "Hamontlum Falls"  :)  Have a happy New Years and good art and and good posting. Greg Ashby


Hello, hello, hello, is there any body in there? Smile if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home? This is a test, it is simply a test for if it was a real posting it would have be made easier to do by the 7th graders who program computers. I worked on four pots (coffee cups, are they art?), and one painting and started to fire two kilns today. We should let Mike Salazar in on this. His sculpture is in my kiln. Cool, Huh?! These things should have speel checker. Pat

Trouble Posting?

Look to the far upper right corner of this page.  The link "Sign In" is there though challenging to see with the gray on gray colors.  Once you are signed in you will see "New Post" show up in the same area.  This will bring up a dialog box with icons to help you load images, video, links and more.  Remember to push the red "PUBLISH POST" button before you exit the page.  Otherwise your post will go into draft status and sit lonely in the back room.

New Year...New Opportunities

Can't wait to get this new year started and there's no more positive way than with the momentum Art-a-Day provides. This is only my third New Year's participating in Art-a-Day and just want to encourage those who might be hesitant to participate because they feel they might, at their best, be sporadic in their blogging abilities, DO IT ANYWAY!!. Though I admit I started out in that position this blog and all the wonderful artists in it will inspire you to keep moving forward. And it is really a great group to be moving forward with. Thank you Bobi for letting us cheat and start a wee bit early as the enthusiasm "pre-race" is just too much to keep contained. My "artspace" walls are covered with inspirational quotes. When I feel any discouragement or energy-drain coming on I wander over and just start reading and it always kicks me in the butt back in a positive direction.

I would like to share one of my favorites by Thomas Merton,
"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."

Happy New Years to all, Alice Beckstrom