Sunday, December 30, 2012

So excited to get to the studio tomorrow to tidy up and get ready for another Art-a-Day journey!  Wahoo!

Below is my most recent work, Lower Columbia Basin Shrub-Steppe.  I started research/development on it  Nov. 2011 and completed the entire edition just before Christmas this year.  Tomorrow will be putting the materials away and organizing files and finances - then on to new things!

Lower Columbia Basin
Shrub Steppe

Limited edition of 50.  Size: 4" x 3" x 1.75"
A Northwestern view of local mountain range (etched copper, through the windows) with geological, environmental and ecological information hand-scribed and drawn as though it's a naturalist's field guide.

The solidity of basalt, the certainty of the mountains, the steadfastness of the Columbia River and the magnitude of events that created them belie the fragile nature of the 
Lower Columbia Shrub-Steppe region
The flora, fauna and creatures expressed on fragile paper represent only some of the local species considered Endangered, Threatened, of Concern or Watched.  As easy as a simple snipping of thread these species can be gone and with them much of the rarity, beauty and integrity of this place we call home.
 Each book is signed, numbered and then etched and hiding behind a "trap door" on the back.
It's difficult to capture. Begs to be held.

I'm looking forward to this Bobi, thank you for the invite. What are the rules???
Thanks again,
We need spell check on this. It must be my private school training that makes me such a bad speeler. Did you see what I did? Speeler was a sef deprivating joke there. We had 44 kids in my 2nd grade class, sort of like what is happening in charter schools across the country. Close's painting was for Bridgport students. I would include it but I don't know how. He had a drawing on exhibit at Mary Hill and I had a bunch of HS students there and was explaning from across the room how he worked so accurately and as we approached the drawing we realized he had done it with thumbprints. It was a amazing! What a gift. Thanks.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hello again. We hung two shows today and will do another one next week. What a blast. The new exhibits are at Zinful's and SmokeStop Vapor. We had lunch at Z's today and their ruben us really good. Ask for ranch dressing with gargonzola cheese crumples for your salad. Yum! Did you see the posting about Chuch Close's inspiration painting for Fridgeport Conn's students? Typical Close genius. Put some handles on some mugs and made an "arty" pot today. I hope they don't blow up in the kiln.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Hello again. There are a couple of high school students coming over to use my clay equipment during the break. They are getting ready for the ESD art show which is the big one for schools. It is good to see young folks getting arty. Allied Arts used to have a high school art scholarship but now it is an academic scholarship. One has to wonder why an art organization would stop supporting art-education and shift to left brained support but that is only one thing of many that confuse me in this world. Pat Fleming AKA "unknown"

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas, yesterday. I didn't get to work except to re-evaluate paintings, fire an already loaded bisque kiln and wedge some clay which was out drying. Am struggling with another picture of Getty Lee but while struggling I found pics of Miles Davis (what a face!), Eartha Kit (what a face!), Aretha Franklin (what a face!) and more. I was asked once if I could paint white people. I find non-colorful people just that, pale, subtle, boring and hard to do. There is a reason why in Spanish we are clled "blank."Thank goodness for diversity. Pat Fleming

Sunday, December 23, 2012

This is straight off my morning-coffee sketch pad. Sorry it couldn’t be more flattening Bobi, you look better than this but it’s the best I can do. The rockets and hats are what I’m into right now; there everywhere!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Paintings from Pat Fleming

Here's 3 paintings I did this fall. Farmer's Market, Augustus McRay, and Bob Marley. I did another one of Fredrick Douglass and a couple of landscapes. The painting of Fredrick has a hardness to it. I like it but I think it will be a "hang this one in your private space" painting. Shepat put these images on for me since I can't figure out how. The landscapes are small. The larger acrylic landscape is getting boring. Did everyone see the posting about "In every artist's studio there is a stack of art where the artist's dedication out pace the artist's inspiration."? Thanks. Pat Fleming

Friday, December 21, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Finishing up

I'm working to complete a limited edition bookart piece because, well, because I want to and so I can have January free to work on whatever I fancy.  Will post pictures once I'm done.
Hello. Fired another kiln today, stretched a canvas and am going to start an acrylic landscape tomorrow and trim some bowls. Two of the bowls are made from Priest Lake clay brough here by one of my students. The other one is a demo from our Othello clay. cyberart509 has 5 exhibits to set up this coming month. I still haven't figured out how to post a picture;Some day soon though.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hello. I just pushed the wrong button and lost everything I wrote. It was really well written too. Am firing kiln today then working on retaining wall. I also erred by listing my language as Eastern European and now I cannot read it so I cannot figure out how to have my postings labeled with my name. So I will sign them and will ask my wife to show me how to post pictures when she gets back from lunch with our oldest daughter. Thanks. Pat Fleming

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What can I say, I'm in to rocket doodles right now.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Art biz software?

Anyone use an Artist's software they love? like?
I'm testing out GYST, decided no to Flick! and waiting until eArtist's new update comes out before looking closer.
Each has it's perks and drawbacks.  Mostly I want a manager to take care of all that business, archiving, etc stuff.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Well it looks like I should sign my postings. Pat Fleming
Hello. Let's see if this thing is on. I don't see any blinking red light. Pugged clay today, sold some to Michael S. met another potter who joined cyberart509, talked to Brooke about opening a co-op gallery, fired 2 kilns (one is about 1 1/2 cu. ft), looked at some subject pics. One pic is of an African American girl and the other isn't. I was asked once if I can paint white people so I did once. Have submitted it to Chancellor Show at WSUR. It is of Agustus McCrey. I also painted another pic of Bob Marley but that was last month. It is my 4th or 5th. He has such an interesting face so does Agustus. Can I get credit for testing my newly designed wood gassifier? Thanks. Pat