Saturday, February 2, 2013

February 2nd - Thank you - Butterflies

Possibly a life altering month for me.  I was already prolific, now I'm just mental about creating. Here's one I don't think is finished, but it has been so fun working on a big one I wanted to share. This is four feet by three feet, not as big as unkonwn's recent one, but I don't have as big a truck as he does either. Thanks again  Bobi.  How can I help make sure we have a show, perhaps March artwalk? - Ed

Friday, February 1, 2013


It's always such a treat to join in on this, especially in January when personal expectations are high!  I'm afraid I lost steam about half way through but I was always thinking about doing art everyday and that's huge.  It becomes a habit and the habit becomes a talent and hopefully, some day, you become an expert and there is great joy in being so darn good at something!

Thanks so much Bobbie for spear heading this and encouraging us all to join in - it's a great event!