Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Southern Oscillation by Patti Kirch

Southern Oscillation, hand woven tapestry scroll and upscaled player piano music box, lined with silk,  juried into
 the 9th Annual Cherry Blossoms A Textile Translation show in Vancouver, British Columbia.
The Artists Reception is Tuesday, March 21, 2017, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.

West Vancouver's, The Silk Purse Gallery
Along with an artist's bio, statement and photo page of other works, I will be including this photo with the scroll box in the Artists Book at the show.
Pam Sharp, A Prairie Skulpture photographed and helped with the professional presentation.

artist: Patti Kirch

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Southern Oscillation, a Handwoven Tapestry

detail of Southern Oscillation tapestry,
artist: Patti Kirch

 techniques featured are hand knotted pile, sumac, hachures, slits and melanges.

Sothern Oscillation
artist: Patti Kirch
A hand woven tapestry has been juried into a Cherry Blossoms Festival show:
9th anual Cherry Blossoms, a Textile Translation
artist reception: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 6:00pm - 8:00pm
West Vancouver, British Columbia's, The Silk Purse

ENSO is a Japanese calligraphy symbol for circle also used in zen meditation
ENSO, El Nino Southern pacific Ocean, a warming of the oceans phenomena