Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 8 - 12

Day 8
Too much wine at Ashbeck’s when I realized I hadn’t done any art for the day. Erin showed me around Photoshop. I did do a graphic…which the world need never see.

Day 9
Mostly computer research and physical recovery today. Noht Kabuki is proving time consuming. Since I rarely do anything twice I spend much of my time climbing steep learning curves.

Day 10
Progressing on projects and starting others. Maybe complete something tomorrow???

Day 11

Woohoo! Something done! A while back I punched holes into copper sheet then dropped it into an acid bath to see what it’d do to those holes. Not much –will leave it longer when (if) I try again. Then patina’d, or rather, allowed a patina to happen, cut, filed and hammered. I have some meaty handmade watercolor paper around so decided to make it into sketchbook. Drilled, punched and assembled.

Day 12
Today was much brainstorming, idea-trying and mess-making though nothing much overtly productive. I have about 10 pounds of fishing lures I pull out at least once a year and still haven’t found their purpose yet. I want to paint on a piece of a bamboo placemat though am so frightfully intimidated by brush and paint.
Things I’ve learned today:
*I absolutely resist imposed directions even when I’m the one imposing.
*I might need to reduce my expectations of Noht Kabuki if I hope to complete it this month. Still hope to produce at least a working model.
*Epoxy and resin will be a learning curve item for some while yet.
* I simply cannot complete a simple project. I have to make it complicated, time consuming and far beyond my current capabilities.
What I hope from today:
Crunky days like this often translate into very creative firestorms if I stick with it.

1 comment:

  1. Funny how so many of us discovered the reluctance to follow imposed directions. I attribute it to my nearly-middle child status. Or my Taurus the bull mentality. Maybe it's an artist's mindset as well. Thanks for your words and insight.
