Friday, January 16, 2009

friday night

I know some of you are probably tired of me challenging some foregone conclusions but I though tonight was a real waste of time. Kim had the plans already cast in stone and I am confused why she even bothered to talk to us. If there is no place for us why did we listen to her? I loose patience with people who think art is a frill and a casual pastime. I am thinking of her employers. It is time this country realized what the arts do for our economy. Graphics, only a part of the art industry, is the 5th largest industry in this country. Intertainment is the largest. There are more people doing visual communication for a living than there are chemists, biologists, psychologists and mathmaticians combined. If the Reach isn't going to serve the people they cannot blame the people for not coming. If you don't build it they won't come.


  1. My opinion is almost the polar opposite. First, artists gathered to talk art - which is a good thing whether we are in agreement or not.
    Second, the $40M Reach Interpretive Center is not a facility being built for local artists to show their work. It is a regional facility with the potential to be a huge cultural "feed" to the area. Meaning the Tri-Cities may no longer be refered to as a "cultural wasteland". And we, as artists, are being invited to have a voice in this! We have an opportunity to assist it The Reach becoming an ongoing dynamic experience or we can leave it to the various boards, businesses, councils and legacy builders to make all decisions.
    I say let them fundraise, design and build while artists play a vital role in breathing life into it!

  2. Bobi - so good to hear your comments. I wish I had attended this event, and was dismayed that I had to miss it. I have heard Kimberly Camp speak and feel she has such vital energy, a deep awareness of the arts (being an artist herself), and is so kinformed about this area. Also she is slated to be a featured artist at the Allied Arts gallery later this year. Should be a beautiful show.

    Thanks for your comments. I agree as artists we can create a dynamic force when we gather together.

  3. hey I meant "informed" not "kinformed" (oops)
