Sunday, January 11, 2009


I redid the tile that I broke yesterday and it is drying. Fired the tiles that were ready. Retouched the portrait of the girl, finished the still life and the rattlesnake mountain pic and am looking at the crane pic & worked on my proposal. The crane pic is unsatisfactory so far. Groomed what will be the second pasture so that I can rotate the horse's pastures to help with the quality of feed and worms. You can grow 7 tons of grass per acre if you do it right. Tomorrow I go to Walla2 and retrieve my pics and pots and then swing by my sister where I will photo the step I made for her from brick that I made. I am really sorry that Carnegie is closing. I started there in the 70's. I won't have time,probably, to swing by Kennewick High School to photo the monolith and vats that I made for an application for a grant. I have been approached by the Old Hotel about being on their board. Maybe a practitioner on the board can stop it from going the way of Allied and Carnegie. If we don't have a gallery maybe there will be nowhere for locals to exhibit. The Zen in me says maybe that is the way it is supposed to be. I once had a painting instructor who said "If you are not a little embarrassed about what you are doing it probagbly isn't worth doing." Thanks Pat

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pat. Fun comments. Can't wait to see posts of some more of your art? Being such a visual person, that is what I thrive on.
