Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13, bw

This is part of the random thing from a few days ago.  There will be 21 of these, put into a mobile and will, maybe, do some interesting things with the light coming through. 

Then, taking to heart the encouragement to "quit whining, just do something",  I spontaneous'd the heck out of left over cut outs (the black ones) on colored paper.  What a hoot.


  1. yes I'm lovin your process. it has a geometric feel to it. how does it feel (inside) to create... even if it is little bitty things that prime the pump???

  2. Interesting question. I've not felt much lately, mostly it's mental, trying to "figure it out", puzzle out how an idea might take form. The paper cuts were a divergence from that. It was complete - "whatever" - which was fun. Its a paper sampler I pasted, cut, tweaked and purposefully quit thinking whenever catching myself doing just that.
