Monday, January 11, 2010

Whining - turn away now

I'm not having fun. It's grim, I tell you, grim in the studio this week.  Nothing is even hinting at "getting" there.  No zip, no zing, just plain work with little coming together.  Ugh.  I'm going to run away.  Yes, that's it.  Someplace warm where nobody knows me and I will flip pancakes the rest of my life and catch fish and go barefoot.  Yes, that's the answer.  I'm running away.

Plus! - I'm pre-menstrual, pre-menopausal and Mercury is retrograde.  I'm a Gemini, so with Mercury as my ruling planet I'm sure it must make things that much harder.  So I'm running away... and will make my clothes from tree bark and hiss nasty words at strangers.  

On the plus side, I had a nice hot shower, have a lovely fire crackling in the fireplace right next to me and Mercury goes direct again in 5 or 6 days.  Whew.  

Maybe I'll wait a week before running away, just to be sure.

As testament to how gnarly I'm feeling I'm not even allowing myself the dignity to wait a responsible amount of time to think before posting this and embarrassing myself forever.


  1. Whew..... sitting on my cold front stoop helps immensely. I think it freezes my brain into soft sea worthy choclate puddin. Not that you asked.

  2. Get a Grip!

    Make art, don't try to make a masterpiece. Whatever happens in 15 minutes, 1/2 hour, or an hour is your art for the day. Turn over the hour glass and make art until the sand runs out. If it's crap it's crap - so what - just do it.


  3. and another thang....

    This whole blog is about making art, not excuses. As long as it took to post your pathos you could've had some art done.

    No more excuses. ART-A-DAY!

  4. Guess it makes one think about how our own expectations of daily creativity can inhibit our creativity. I think it's good to vent it out of ones system, to let go of it...then get back on that cycle and keep at it. Only one who loves you very much could dish out the "snap-out-of-it-tough-love" like your bro. I do like the idea of setting a timer, then just accepting it as the day's art. Quite brilliant, I think!

  5. Apparently I needed some smiley faces interspersed in there. Making clothes out of tree bark - ... ? ... that doesn't crack you up?


    guess that one's just for me. :o)

  6. Yep! You are a kook! I do find it very funny - especially the flippin pancakes part (and the clothes out of tree bark... makes me think of a weird movie I saw once). And I know exactly how you feel, and I think that's also part of the process of the challenge. I definitely felt that way last year (the expectation part, that I wrote about). This year it's (so far) much freer for some reason for me (maybe my expectations of masterpieces are lower.)

  7. but look how you got the conversation rolling!!!

  8. We all need to be able to vent when necassary, and feel safe when we do. I hope that it was as cathartic as it seemed. If you did go to flippin pancakes, the pancakes would be a delight..."What shape would you like,little girl?"

  9. I'm sorry , I misunderstood.. WHERE do I sign up for that Barefoot Pancake Flipping thing???
    that right there is an art image. :)

  10. Love it. Been there. Same sentiments different day.

  11. hahaha - Jan! Ours were always Micky Mouse pancakes - or teddy bears.
