Sunday, February 28, 2010

See you at the Show!

The Art-a-Day 2 Show:

Studio 17B at 17-1/2 N. Auburn, Downtown Kennewick (next door to Laura Gable Studio Gallery)
March 4, 5 and 6
Thursday:5pm – 8pm (First Thursday Art Walk)
Friday and Saturday: Noon – 6pm

Check out the First Thursday write-up in Friday's Tri City Herald "Atomic Town" insert, page 8.  Lots of great art!

See you there!

Friday, February 26, 2010

So much fun!

I am having oh-my-gosh so much FUN in my studio these days!!!

I had to put Art-a-Day aside for the first couples of weeks of February to tend to other interests and deadlines that were backing up. I got in to the studio somewhat but am really pouring into it this week – and having SO MUCH FUN! Have I mentioned that yet? I don’t think I’ve had this sort of sustained fun in the studio –ever!

I’ve given over to my secret love affair with minutiae. I have this thing for tiny boxes, little bits of scraps and intriguing cast-offs and the intricate relationships they make. Relationships to one another and relationship to an emerging theme that, I hope, engages the viewer – or wearer.

Years ago I made little Jack-in-the-box lapel pins.I didn’t have the skills back then to do what I can now – so I meticulously cut, glued and painted tongue depressors into boxes with hinged lids and then made teeny little clowns on springs to go inside. My siblings find me a bit twisted in this regard, I think, and pertaining to the time and effort required for each one commented something like, “…that’s why God invented the Philippines. “ In my kid-sister wispiness I think I allowed that to put me off – but now I’m back – and having so-much-fun!

The Art-a-Day experience allowed me to “mess” with things again and I got caught up in the little boxes. I diverted from the path yet again by trying to make teensy jewelry works with scenes but they fell flat, uninteresting. So I let go of rules and let myself play, even using glue (*gasp* a metalsmithing no-no) when the occasion called for it. Once I let go of that rule I started experimenting and lo and behold, ended up bettering some of my metalsmithing skills along the way!

I’m telling you this Art-a-Day thing is magic. Show up. Let go. See what happens. Someday soon I hope to post about exciting things coming to pass from last year’s Art-a-Day process. Too much still pending, stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Art-a-Day show

In case the email didn't get through, my apologies!   Let me know if you have questions.
Dear Fabulous Art-a-Day'ers,
This is a quick heads up and a few details about the Art-a-Day gallery show.    More information to follow,
Important!  Please respond to this email "yes", or "no" if you will be participating in the show. (or respond on the blog if you have not already confirmed)
Please join us!  Last year's show was a delightful event with great art and a nice diversity of works, good traffic and art being sold!  People have been asking if we are doing it again and are looking forward to attending.
Some Basics
           Studio 17B, 17 1/2 Auburn St,. Downtown Kennewick
   Deliver Art:
           Tues: time tbd
           Wed: time tbd
   Show hours
           5:00 - 8:00pm -Thurs, (First Thursday Art Walk)
           Noon- 6:00pm  - Friday and Saturday
   Pick up art: 6:00pm Saturday.

There will be a 10% fee this year, collected on art sold.  This helps defray some of our costs and helps you price to sell. 

My sincere thanks to each and every one of you for this wonderful Art-a-Day experience.

509Art: making a difference. making art.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Still Painting

Hello, yes I have missed the blog as well. I have nothing to show right now, probably unorganized, but I have painted every day since this started Jan 1st. Well there was 2 separate days where I put varnish on paintings, so I counted that. This is a first for me to paint that many days in a row. I even painted over the weekend. Went to Vancouver, WA Friday night and came home Saturday but painted a bit before leaving and then some when I got home.
It's amazing to see how much one can get done, even if you do just a little bit.. :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Yeah, I miss the blog activity too.  Haven't had much opportunity to post lately but would like to pop in for a quick fix now and again.
Very successful meeting of arts and civic leaders today.  Eager to learn what "next" will look like.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Some Days......

I miss sitting down with my morning cup of coffee and reading the Art-a-Day posts. That was my morning kick in the butt. So, in case there's anyone else out there in the same boat I post a new one. I collect great sayings. Not necessarily "presidential", earth moving or life altering ones, but ones that speak to me at that moment in my life. This morning I came upon one that screamed of my art-a-day experience. Doing something creative each day became easier, but something always seemed to get in the way when I was trying to sit myself down to post about it. This quote kind of sums it up. :0) “I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.” ― Jennifer Yane

Monday, February 1, 2010

One more

Funky Egyptian necklace-the medallion is something I worked up years ago-(when I moved here 16 or so years ago I had a jewelry I have a plethora of findings, beads and interesting baubles that I have collected through the never know when they might come in handy) so now it's been reworked into this necklace