Friday, February 26, 2010

So much fun!

I am having oh-my-gosh so much FUN in my studio these days!!!

I had to put Art-a-Day aside for the first couples of weeks of February to tend to other interests and deadlines that were backing up. I got in to the studio somewhat but am really pouring into it this week – and having SO MUCH FUN! Have I mentioned that yet? I don’t think I’ve had this sort of sustained fun in the studio –ever!

I’ve given over to my secret love affair with minutiae. I have this thing for tiny boxes, little bits of scraps and intriguing cast-offs and the intricate relationships they make. Relationships to one another and relationship to an emerging theme that, I hope, engages the viewer – or wearer.

Years ago I made little Jack-in-the-box lapel pins.I didn’t have the skills back then to do what I can now – so I meticulously cut, glued and painted tongue depressors into boxes with hinged lids and then made teeny little clowns on springs to go inside. My siblings find me a bit twisted in this regard, I think, and pertaining to the time and effort required for each one commented something like, “…that’s why God invented the Philippines. “ In my kid-sister wispiness I think I allowed that to put me off – but now I’m back – and having so-much-fun!

The Art-a-Day experience allowed me to “mess” with things again and I got caught up in the little boxes. I diverted from the path yet again by trying to make teensy jewelry works with scenes but they fell flat, uninteresting. So I let go of rules and let myself play, even using glue (*gasp* a metalsmithing no-no) when the occasion called for it. Once I let go of that rule I started experimenting and lo and behold, ended up bettering some of my metalsmithing skills along the way!

I’m telling you this Art-a-Day thing is magic. Show up. Let go. See what happens. Someday soon I hope to post about exciting things coming to pass from last year’s Art-a-Day process. Too much still pending, stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. so... a.... do you have any pictures of these clown thingies? That would make interesting painting :)
