This is another "straight line" piece, the path three men took walking in the fog. They made four near and not-so-near misses of their destination ending right back where they started at the barn. With more bends and turns there is more hammering, hardening, annealing and a whole lot more hassle.
My first attempt of the day, with 16ga steel wire. If you worked with forging you know the challenges. If not, you probably don't want to know. Liken it to trying to fix a Slinky that gets pulled out of shape

Pretty pleased with myself for figuring out little staples made by snipping the heads off and bending straight pins. Didn't get my joins clean enough so only 1 of 9 solder joints 'took' and steel simply behaves differently than non-ferrous metals. Love the look of steel but mistakenly printed 75% sized templates for the next go-round so switched to smaller, 18ga, silver - and it just goes on and on and on...
I am looking forward to seeing how this works. I love how you are just going for it and doing something different with steel!
You are a very patient person. Excited to see how it evolves!
this seems to require almost as much patience as quilting! Bobi you seem to love the process of working with these un-malleable components. good yob!
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