Thursday, January 27, 2011

Proposal in the Park

Oh my goodness!  Oh my goodness!


  1. I dig these little stories you are associating with these, these are great.

  2. Was she as surprised as I am? Will we be meeting baby metallica next Jan?

  3. Hahha! I did just recently wonder how to make a little baby person. My brother introduced me to ball joints, so if I can make little itty bitty ones, there could be a very mobile little baby! :)

  4. I love your sense of humor! I love this cute couple! Imagination is a beautiful thing! And then to capture it this way....Wonderful!

  5. Thanks, Jan! And it is SO FLIPPING FUN!

  6. it just cracks me up! Love the necklace and the little jointed arms and legs. So fun. Can't wait to see how you will showcase this for the art show.

  7. I'm hoping their little joints will hold up! :)

  8. I love this! My son recently proposed, on bended knee, to his girlfriend, so when I saw your latest creation, I immediately thought of them. E-mailed your post to them. Can you bundle these folks up a bit more in parkas and the like? Matt and Brianna were outdoors in New York City and it was about 20 degrees. BTW, I could go for a grandchild...

  9. I love that story, Lisa! Unfortunately my wardrobe skills amount to quick paper cut outs and glue dots - thank goodness they're 2 dimensional. If I gave you the outlines maybe you could paint parkas. it'd be fun to stage.
    Congratulations on the new addition to the family - with yet more little additions to come!???
