Friday, January 28, 2011

"SketchCrawlin' With Nancy"

At great risk to my reputation as a "fine" artist (cough, cough, choke), I'm posting this sketch of Nancy sketching because it's my first India Ink (and a bit of watercolor) image. Never used this stuff before and I think I have miles to go before I sleep. Help? Anyone?


  1. I really like the urban feel of this. You managed an amazing variety of depth and mood from the single black. I love the touch of red - really snaps it.

  2. Thanks, Bobi, that's more than I was expecting from what looks like a mess to me.

  3. Hello. It looks good to me. Anonymous. That's me of course. Pat

  4. Oh, the 509 Artspace for more on this topic..Coming in February!!

  5. The placement of the figure on the page, the position of the horizon line, the pop of red (even a touch of it on her boot heel)... very well done!
