On Jan 20th I mentioned turning the camera battery compartment into an evening bag. Here's the beginnings. I'm thinking this should have taken maybe an hour. It took well over 3. Did anyone else have a day like that? The first of many "those days" things was a pleasant sweet smell in my studio which turned out to be my "pickle" left on, water cooked off and the citric acid glassified in the pot. Baking soda, elbow grease, brass brush and kitchen knife finally got it cleaned and back in service.
The battery housing will be encased in copper. Hope to pull off something of an Art Deco look. Question - do I use the Sony shoulder strap or something fancier?
So far we have the innards pretty near done.
So...how do you get your car-keys and your lipstick in there?
ReplyDeleteLipstick and cab fare.