Saturday, January 22, 2011

"A Great Day Was Had By All"

What a Great Day we had out on the 30th World-Wide SketchCrawl today!!!

We started at the 509 Artspace at 10 am, moved out to the grain elevator on Clearwater, then down to downtown Kennewick where we finished up by sharing our sketches at the Kennewick Coffee Shop.

Click the pic to find our sketches which all qualify as some "Art-A-Day."

L to R: Sarah, Fred, Nancy, Wayne, LaPoynte, Laura, Mike and Jim.

And don't forget to visit us at the 509 Artspace for a schedule of up and coming activities!


  1. Great picture of you all. I didn't make it today. But next time maybe.
    ALL of your drawings look great. It looks like a great time had by all :)

  2. That's fun to see comments that other Sketch Crawlers have made on your post Jim. (Just click the photo above, and you can see the comments from his other blog). You are so techno saavy, Jim.
