Monday, February 7, 2011

Quote Monday, Octopuse and Warhol

Ah, Andy, what a character.
As brilliantly insane as he was (and I love him for it) this quote sums up exactly what an artist is to me. People are always asking "where do you get your ideas, how did you come up with that?" and as cliche as it is, I reply time and time again that inspiration is everywhere. Walking down the street, pouring a bowl of cereal, fog on a mirror, the world is full of clues that artists use to piece together paintings and sculpture. You just have to "see it".
Tonight in my art class we reviewed one point perspective. After going over the lesson and figuring the technique out (it had been awhile) I was excited to apply it to more interesting things than boxes. Once I got home I whipped out my sketch book, trusty black sharpie and got to work on this marine scene.

Later I'll add some watercolor paints to really bring it to life, but until then,
Stay Artsy,
~Sarah Bosserman


  1. Hello. Andy Warhol is dead, you know. I got in trouble for quoting him in grad school about 15 yrs ago. He said that "Television is the opiate of the masses." Did you see the game on Sunday? Pat-Anon

  2. So fun to see a few of you are still posting here - I'll jump in now and then too if it's okay.... I've got a couple watercolors I'm playing with so will share those.

  3. @Pat, yeah, I know he's dead, but it doesn't make the quote any less amazing :) I did see the game, but the commercials were better!! I'm one of those people. haha.
