Saturday, January 21, 2012

Art ALL Day

So the International Sketchcrawl was today but the snow and icy roads caused us to cancel drawing as a group. Some of us went ahead and drew from home, rooms, lunch, etc., and I hope to see some of them here. I have been housebound for DAYS and have been drawing a lot but getting pretty discouraged that I'm not ending up with anything worthy of rejoicing over. I would think after all this drawing, there would be SOMETHING! This is my lunch - or a part of my lunch...


  1. Well, hmmm, wonder what happened to the comment I thought I posted. hmm..
    So sorry you are having the less-than-rejoicing experience. Those are such a drag. If it's of any help, I love the man and child posting from Thursday and you eat fancier looking lunches than we do.

  2. Most of the time I'm asking myself, "what should I draw." There are times however when I get stuck on, "why should I draw anything?" -Eating shrimp usualy helps with both moods.
