Sunday, January 29, 2012

Busy week, computer issues, minor injuries

I have been busy this last week but computer issues and a minor injury to my left hand have kept me from posting. The injury occurred at the storage unit where I was trying to get to some art supplies that got buried on the bottom and at the back of the storage space. I managed to cut myself across the top of my knuckle and so needed a brace to keep my finger from bending and opening the wound, hence the emery board brace.

However, I was able to create 2 more bowls, both smaller than the first, and attempt a drawing of my cell phone before hurting myself. I also had time to fill a page of fun doodles and, last night, while feeling no pain I drew the source of my painlessness. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow Cheryl, you have really been a busy creative soul here ... and with a major injury to top it off. I cut the tip off my finger with an exacto recently so I know a bit about how that might feel. Get better and take good care.

    (Love your "flavor notes" on your IPA).
