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9th Annual Art-a-Day Challenge, January 2018!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monet's Work Ethic Applied, Sort Of

After so much time spent on
one painting, I'm glad to find that I'm not sick of Space Men as subjects.
I remember when I was 5 learning about Monet's Water Lillies for the first time. I used to think "Doesn't he get board painting the same thing over and over again?". I was to little to begin to understand the powerful fixation between subject and execution. I have to keep working, keep adding layers, keep adjusting, keep improving, keep at it, on, and on until it lines up with the vision in my mind. I can be my biggest fan but I can also be my biggest critic. So now I understand Monet a little more. Of course this all leads to the fact that the Space Man isn't finished yet, but with each day I get closer.

Oh, and these photographs never do my paintings justice.

Stay Artsy & DFTBA

Sarah Bosserman


Laura Gable said...

you have such an active imagination, Sarah. I love the play here and the movement of the background couples ... has a nostalgic film noir feel to it also. Almost done?

Jim Bumgarner said...

Something tells me he going to have to use some window cleaner on his face guard soon.

Sarah Bosserman said...

Yes Laura, it's almost done ^_^
Jim, the whole point for this painting is that as horribly cheesy as it sounds.. there is someone out there for all of us, no matter how far or near. Thus, the spacesuit highlighting the far. To be honest I didn't know what the "meaning" of this painting was until after I neared the end.

Bobi Wilson said...

Ooohh! What a great story and potent work. In Dec 1979 I mailed a letter to my cousin continuing a Christmas conversation we had about falling in love. A week later I was SO excited about the new year, a month later I met up with an old friend, we married in September and I still thrill to be with him.
Writing/painting/creating is powerful stuff!