The other great thing about working at ad agencies is that during tough weeks and early evening meetings, the beers, chips and salsa are never too far away.
The bottle is a bit too squat as I overworked it and lost the graceful, slim edge a bit. But it was a fun, relaxed drawing to do while we were all chatting away.
I like how it seems solidly based on the lined paper, but as the eye moves up, it comes off the page and toward the viewer. Did you do that on purpose?
I love the different cross hatichings and variations of texture you used in drawing the bottle! Lovely job ^_^
Thanks guys :)
BTW Sarah - I found the Doodlers Anonymous site after looking at your profile - great find!
Jim - it's funny, I know what you mean, but it didn't actually look that way til I photographed it.
Trust me, I'd love to say I have some magical 3D drawing abilities, but I wondered if it might be an optical illusion? The yellow legal pad was bending inwards at the top of the photograph, and that seems to bring the bottle neck forward...
I love it when a drawing loses it's graceful, slim edge a bit. It's a great sketch and I may try the 3-D thing with my own lined pad.
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