Friday, January 11, 2013

11JAN2013 - "She's Got Everything She Needs"

Ok, so I don't know this person.  If this were a Wanted Poster haning in the post office, it would be no good for the capture.  Truth be told, this person sat at the same table I did over at McGill's this last Wednesday morning.  But, I wanted something wild and edgy, fast, quick, and loose; yet distant and unrelated.  Something that would indicate no need on the part of the girl in the image. Well, actually I wanted it close to the person, but . . . you know.  Anyway, this is what ended up in my sketchbook.  I like it.  It's on the opening screen of my new iphone5.  I'll show it to you sometime. 


  1. A lot of energy and honesty Jim. This is a good one.

  2. So glad my name is not attached... OK, the mouth is right. The glasses are SO small - who would wear glasses that SMALL!?
