Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ashby - Day 12

Well on the 12th day I finished the Seahorse one. It is an 8 x 24 Acrylic.  Small and yes I could probably do in one day, but for some reason, no. :) but am pleased. I also worked on starting 2 new ones on the 12 and the 13th. But just layers of paint, no detail and no photograph, but they are coming. :)
Greg Ashby


  1. This is pretty cool and you got some real texture in it. Just for fun I put it on my paint program and reversed the colors. Bang, the blue and yellow are perfect opposites!

  2. So if the texture is texture, way cool. If it is an illusion due to your painting skills even cooler. Great work Greg. Dave's point was so cool too. You must have calibrated color palette eyes- ED
