Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Simple Apple

Here's a quick still life painting I did on a little 5x5 board, which I'd gessoed with black. It's a new idea I'm playing with. I'm curious to see how the transparent oil colors represent on the black gesso. (An artist in Oregon I've admired, has done a series on black and they are quite nice. My inspiration). Since I'd not painted much this season, I thought I would start out small. Forgetting, you know, like how one can't remember how to tie their shoes when they've been wearing flip flops all summer -- it does come back though. Sorry I've not been too consistent this year. With the 100 day challenge I did last fall, I don't have it in me to be that devoted to a daily challenge just yet. So I'll interject a comment here and there, and post when I can. Good to see the blog going so well, and the great art this collective of artists is creating!! Good job everyone.

"A Simple Apple" 5x5 oil on board, ©Laura Gable 2013


  1. Laura, I love your brush strokes, colors under, around, and shiny parts of your apple.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That’s not a simple apple, it’s a Fuji, and it looks damned tasty too!

  4. It almost seems to glow. Love your work, Laura!
