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9th Annual Art-a-Day Challenge, January 2018!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

"The Spokesman Review Building in Spokane"

The Spokesman Review building in Spokane, sketched from a photograph I took of it back a couple of years ago. My wife was in the hospital there, she's fine now, so early one morning about 7am, I drove downtown, parked, and started walking around. At that time I was not so enamored with sketching, but instead with photography. I had recently purchased a Nikon SLR, so the camera and I had a great time that morning taking pictures with very few people, or cars, in them.  The images are all parked in my flickr account.

This image was done as a proposal for a commissioned piece the Northwest Inland Dental Association wanted me to do for one of their publications.   

1 comment:

Nancy said...

OK, I've got to admit - I like the looser, softer, lighter drawings...