Monday, January 20, 2014

A little of this and that

Well I have done some sketching with the Urban Sketchers  down at The Blank Canvas and I have tried to finish a couple of old paintings...progress below.

I liked stage two and now I am discouraged and stuck. This last week I was too busy to get anything done but the Urban Sketchers. But alas I have not totally given up yet.  
One other little artsy project I got sidetracked on was reviving some old rapidograph pens I decided to dig out.  I have not drawn anything as of yet with them.  I actually like all the fussing and repairing of these antiquated pens. Thanks to Adrian and his box of parts ;)


  1. NEVER give up! Well, wait. Unless you totally screw it up - then throw it away and start again. You are not there yet on this flower painting - keep going!

  2. I agree with Nancy. It is a wonderful start here Cindy, the colors are still pure and clean. Sit with it a few days and you will find your way.

    And your sketch is fabuloso! I have some old rapidographs too. Will have to find them -- didn't know Adrian had the parts, but it doesn't surprise me. He has a bit of everything.

    Thanks for posting your progress!!

  3. I so love your fearlessness in trying ever more new things!
