Saturday, January 3, 2015

Jan 2 - "Sorting FB Friends"

Today I spent a number of hours working on FB.  I have an odd assortment of friends on FB:  former students, local urban sketcher friends, global urban sketcher friends, family, high school classmates, etc.

What I have long not liked about FB is that if I want to send something to any one of these groups, all the rest see what was shared.  I can now call up my USkTC friends (urban sketchers tri cities) and send them a posting that only they will see.

However, if I post to the USkTC group, everyone will . . . there's no way to change that.  Still, I like how I have much more control than before.

So, in my sketch for today you see my computer and some of the 'stuff' around it.  I see I forgot the mouse, but hey, if I hadn't said that you wouldn't have noticed.


  1. Jim! Delighted to have you back with us again. Now that I am aware of it, the missing mouse is distracting. :)

  2. Ha ha! I must not be one of your "odd" friends!!!!!!! Still not on FB!!!
    I just took big projects to Allied Arts Gallery in-between working this afternoon.
    Great sketching Jim!
    patti kirh
