Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Just Getting Started

Just Getting Started

After 3 rounds of company over the holiday season by noon Monday I said goodbye to the last of the gang.  I did minimal pick up and went to a drop in watercolor class with Deanne Kennedy and here are the results of a fairly quick project.
 We were asked to do a quick portrait drawing focusing on value then to do the same portrait in water color, with value and what Deanne called visual compliments.  It was a great exercise and I got to pick up a pencil and a brush =)


  1. This is very good. I love the water color value one. I like the pencil version too. The water color value styled one would translate very well in tapestry. I did a quick study at Amon Basin just before noon today.

  2. Oh so glad to hear that Patti! See ya in the morning!

  3. There is so much here in such a seemingly simple composition. Lovely.

  4. This is nice Cindy. When is Deanne's class held?

  5. Mondays at 1:30 -4 ish Columbia Community on Gage
