Monday, January 26, 2015

Paintings 01_11_15

Hi.... I finally got onto this site,  it kept telling me to do something about the cookies, the house hold systems manager (my husband)  fixed it.  I have been painting every day ( as I always do),  
 with the encaustics, since Jan 1.    I've been working with 3 wood artist and 1 potter interested in adding encaustic to their art, What fun. Jane, the racu potter from Naches, gave me this racu piece and some chips from the firing.  Jerry Johnson gave me a bowl he created and left the edge  so I could add some encaustic art work, so it is now 12 days into Jan., and I will post some of the art

 work I've done.      Inspiration from Jane's racu pottery.

Jerry's wood bowl, trying to think of encaustic design.

Jane's pottery, my three encaustic paintings with chips from the racu, and Jerry's wood bowl embellished with embedded chips in the encaustic paint.

This has been quite a project Jim, Jerry, John and Jane were here last Wednesday, we worked all day with wax medium.  It  was a great day.  Just finished the bowl today.



  1. Hi Kathryn, welcome back. The "raku" inspired encaustic is stunning. Wow How did you do that? What fun to venture into other realms of artistic expression, and merge them together.

  2. great work and collaborating with friend artists Kathryn!

  3. Wowsers, Kathryn, what a stunning display! Each piece uniquely yours, beautiful, and honoring of each artist - all at once.
    Delighted you're joining us here again!

  4. These pieces are all lovely and as a collection stunning.
