Sunday, January 18, 2015

Scroll project continued.

Here is one of my recent posts on the scroll project I'm still working on daily. It is based on my grandmother when she was young. With a middle name like Tempest, you can imagine the character she had -- and perhaps a bit of a fiery personality? I never saw a temper, just recall her as a sweet homespun farm woman with a great zest for life and always laughing. She was also an artist. Dad said when he was little, that she would invite in the Hobo's that meandered the countryside, and offer them egg sandwiches. She was always saying "Forever more!" "Fair to Middlin" and "Land Sakes Alive." As an older woman, she was part of a social group of ladies who called themselves the "Fat Club" because they would get together and eat, sharing "covered dishes" like her badada (potato) salad … but were forever trying to lose weight. A character, indeed. We still miss you Gramma!!
Grandmother as a young girl, Lilian Tempest Kelly, drawn with China Marker, ©Laura Gable

The scroll is coming along. My second strip of paper has about 3 days left, so I am scrounging to find another strip for about 10 days of effort. Any ideas??