Saturday, January 31, 2015

What I Am Learning

As I am having a hard time with seeing the reflected colors of light outside in plein air, I decided to do a little study I found in Kevin MacPherson's book Paintings with Light & Color. I used a box and changed the color around the pear  with construction paper.  Here are my results.
 These are on little 6x8 panels

 I am hoping I can apply this to the  great out doors.  I should probably do a few more but my pear was getting too ripe and changing color ;)


  1. YUMMY !!!! I love the colors. Pears are so curvy and sweet.

  2. love your pears Cindy! I love this experiment. I love your backgrounds, edges of the fruit and the light, mediums and shadows and and and......
    Patti ; )

  3. what a gracious (is that the right word I want?) beautiful and intention-filled process. I've learned along with you. Thanks!

  4. The pears are stunning! By the way, who are you?

  5. i don't think we have met Annette. I started blogging a long time ago and was reluctant at first to use my real name. Not so much anymore but that is what my block stuff is under. Cindy Rutherford

  6. Cindy what a lovely practice. Going back to basics is proving an excellent process for you. These pears are delightful, and your attention and sensitivity are wonderful. Great job -- Kevin Macpherson would be proud!

  7. (ps, my favorite post on the blog this season ;-)
