Monday, January 5, 2015

working on my style

Last year I have finally found the painting style that'd fit my personality well, but I am still struggling not to fall back to old habit...which is to carry out every detail.

This is the 2nd try of dahlias; it's not finished yet, and I have discovered certain things I can do differently from this one, so I will try a 3rd.


  1. Absolutely lovely.
    I admire your restraint. A lot of effort to appear so effortless.

  2. Jean this is lovely. I have always enjoyed your sense of color. And it has the right amount of looseness and detail. Can't wait to see what else your create.

  3. beautiful Jean, The near and far, so much depth and beauty. Your style is definitely YOU

  4. I love your take on these dahlias. I am loving your newly emerging style! I am too in such a experimental stage trying to find my own flow.
