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9th Annual Art-a-Day Challenge, January 2018!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 3: Richland Yacht Club

Big splashes of sunlight this morning pushed me out into the the streets and boulevards looking for something to draw. I sketched the intersection at Gage and Leslie, then looking for something better, found myself in downtown Kennewick. Nothing there jumped out at me, and there was a cloud cover moving in. Crossed the river into Pasco and drove over to CBC where I purchased two Super Aquabee Sketchbooks for the price of one at Craft Warehouse; then decided to drive home for lunch. On the Pasco-Richland bridge I spotted the Richland Yacht Club. 
The sketch came out horribly, so I just photoshopped the gee whiz out of it and it came like this.


lapoynte said...

Well, gee whiz, it turned out great!

patti said...

Dang, and I was in my loonie, ooops I meant to say loom room all day today.
your urban sketchers group is soooo coool.

Bobi Wilson said...

after all your valiant effort to capture a sketch that day, the "...photoshopped the gee whiz out of it..." caught me off guard and laughed out loud.