Friday, January 2, 2015

Annette Bouchey (#1) for January 1, 2015

This is my first time for art-a-day so thank you Bobi for inviting me!  It's late and I was going to be lazy and start tomorrow but I decided I really want to make this commitment!  Before Christmas I ordered some small unfinished shrines and boxes to make some assemblages and shrines in so I started with painting one and will continue to work on it tomorrow.  

Annette Bouchey's project beginning.
(Laura is posting this till we get Annette squared away).


  1. Yay, Annette! Delighted to have you with us.

  2. What does this site have against robots?

  3. The robot thing was set up to prevent auto-spam but it's optional so does little good in that regard Now I can't figure out how to get rid of it. :/
    Also, Pat, I deleted one of your posts because it was a duplicate. Looks like I was censoring you.
