Thursday, January 1, 2015

Pages 'tween pages & medieval torture! ha!

My book art friends will have a sneaky hunch what's potentially under and between this stack including books.....
Yes, I have been working on a book that hopefully will be completed Saturday night.

Last year for art a day, my last post showed a 2" wide sample of woven green trees.  Currently, this is actual progress.  The long pink thin interrupted lines are temporary threads holding the cartoon close behind the tapestry.  The final piece will measure 16" tall x 48" wide.  I am weaving it sideways, ( the picture is rotated for easier viewing) and only 15" or 120 hours left to weave!!!  In tapestry, a weaver cannot touch up or erase, it's scary! ha!  My January goal is to weave 5".
Thank you Bobi, I appreciate this posting opportunity and to let others know, slow art is not dead yet!  Ha!


  1. Holy moly - I will view all tapestries with greater appreciation. What does that do to your brain, weaving sideways?

  2. p.s.
    I have a book press if you ever wish to borrow it.

  3. Patty, what diligence you have shown here. I saw this in the very early phases, and am so taken by the amount of work involved and the brilliance of your color choices. It is a true stunner and I can't wait to see it face to face.

  4. Thank you Bobi, Marilee and Laura, I appreciate your comments.
    Of course, I did not take a photo, but I completed the El Popocatepetl Volcano Journal at 1:00am this morning and for the month of January it's in Allied Arts Gallery. Hopefully, I will sneak a picture at the gallery tomorrow or Tuesday.
