Thursday, January 1, 2015

Felt as awkward as a new bride in the studio today.

Been away from studio work for months and this is my first day trying to actually do anything since the big studio move. Good to be back and can't find anything. 
The only accomplishment from all my fuss today ...

A piece of scrap copper with heavy patina, scratched through and re-patina'd with liver of sulfur.
During an early Art-a-Day year I made a number of hearts in copper which put me to mind of creating a February Advent Calendar filled with 28 (29) heart brooches.  I might yet get to that this year.

In 2012 I made steampunk-esque Valentine cards, was totally fun and might do again too.

We'll see.  For now just trying to get through this new bride feeling.  

1 comment:

  1. Hello Bobi,
    Bobi, thank you for posting your first kiss of 2015! A love of art, that's what your heart symbolizes. Thank you for making art a day happen. Joy!
