Saturday, January 3, 2015

Jan. 2 and 3: "To Do List Confused at Sketch Pad"

I keep my "to do" list in 6x8 inch, Strathmore Drawing sketchbooks.  This is yesterday's thinking about things I need to do now that the New Year has been hatched upon us/me and a sketch of some desk stuff.

I use Marvy 1122 "Le Plume II" pens which I used to buy in Michael's, but now have to find online.  The last batch was from Amazon at a much cheaper price than what Michael's used to charge.  I like the no. 1 "Black," and the no. 85 "Mocha" inks.  They are not permanent ink pens, so care must be exercised when using them with watercolors.  What I really like about them, since they are 7 5/8ths inch long, is the way they 'feel' in my hand.

Sometimes, I find myself looking over the list of things "to do," and my motivation wanes in light of what's there, then my eyes get heavy and I feel rather than thinking and planning, drawing would be more fun. That's what happened here...some CD's, my scanner and the organizer my daughter gave me for Christmas a year ago found their way into the list.

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