Saturday, January 3, 2015

Laura and Annette at Hastings!!!!

Laura was nice enough to meet me at Hastings to instruct me on how to add to the art-a-day blog! I'm a kindergartner when it comes to computers and it's taken over an hour just to post.  I have only an iPad and we couldn't do it from the regular way as it doesn't recognize my photos from my photo library!  We posted from blogger app so I am practicing for today.  Is this art?  Maybe the photo is....hahaha!  So here we are.  It is inspiring me to go home and finish some projects.

Ok, I had to interject some effort on my part to artify this a bit more.
So with some Photoshop filters applied, we really do look art-a-day worthy!!!


  1. Good to see you this a.m. Annette. Glad to see you BLOGGING now!!!!! Can't wait to see your upcoming projects. You go girl.

  2. So totally ART A DAY with caps!!!
    too much fun,
    patti k
