Saturday, January 10, 2015

Scroll Project (9 days effort Jan 1-9)

The scroll project is coming along. I've completed 9 days of work on the scroll, and the first roll is completed. So will start the next one today. I've got a video here where I pause and focus on each day's art expression. It's been fun to express a variety of artistic "voices" that lie dormant and sometimes need to be heard. No rules, just unroll a section for the day and have at it. I am finding also, that it has a tendency to loosen up my oil painting work, and allows me to be more expressive. So a good thing all around.
Day 9, These strips are from a 2014 daily calendar, which features master works
on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Scribbles are my masterwork ;-)

My scroll project unfurled after  9 days. Its a bit unwieldy.
Not sure if it will end up in another project. If so, will cut it apart.

The first post about this scroll is here:


  1. the scroll painting is a very creative idea is it something you have been doing a lot or a new medium. It is like collage and book stuff I love it. and now frame needed... do you hang or put on a table?

  2. Hi Gail, in the first post I did about the scroll, I referenced artist Ian Roberts. He featured the scroll project on his website. It was suggested to him by an art therapist. A way of loosening up some, from the rigors of a busy life as full time artist (he lectures, teaches, paints and communicates with the public via you-tube etc). Not that I'm that busy, I just thought it would be a way to have a consistent thread of creativity going through the month, running along beside the other artistic facets that keep us busy and devoted to the craft. I don't know if the scroll will be displayed or if it will end up in my other work. If anything, possibly in book form, since we have a show coming up in May.

  3. Looks like a fun project with no constraints =) Good idea for some art therapy!

  4. Laura, thank you for sharing your finds. I think sketching in general loosens me up for weaving. I haven't begun my first scroll, but soon enough. Great idea and of course yours inspires creativity!
