Friday, January 23, 2015

"Water's Edge"

Here is the finished painting that I fiddled with a couple days ago (mentioned in this earlier post).

Alas, it looks to be a new painting with not much recall of the original study. But I am happy with it. These lovely ponds are tucked in the Amon Basin off Leslie Road. I hiked in a short distance to find this viewpoint. Not much was happening this day, until 2 bicyclists came zooming past and startled me. For the most part it was just me and the water and the ducks and the sage and the rabbit brush and the trees. A lovely soliloquy for a winter's day. Perhaps I will return there again soon to see what nature provides. Softer colors I'm sure.

"Water's Edge" in it's final revision. 9x12 oil on board, ©Laura Gable

1 comment:

  1. Love this! The painting, the place the musings, the prose, the vicarious experience.
