Monday, January 31, 2011

Curtain Call

Thank you.  Thank you.
You've been a great audience!
Thanks for coming!

ArtADay 2011

Just to let everyone know... TONIGHT, is last day of January, and January 2011 Art-A-Day. I plan on continuing on blogging here, WHY stop we have such fun and see such interesting stuff. :)
So I am gonna keep on.
This also celebrates, because of Art-A-Day last January 2010, me doing some sort of art everyday for 13 MONTHS!! so since Janaury 2010, I have either painted, sketched, or varnished a painting everyday. I admit that some of those days were extremely light on art, but art none the less. I may not make it everyday in the rest of 2011. But I will try. :)) Hooray

Beeramyd is nearly Done

Well here is BEERAMYD nearly done. Gonna have a line of people making a pilgramage to the Beeramyd, all with containers and glasses and all.

HEY!! According to Discovery Channel, Beer Saved the World. I found that fascinating :))

Companions - nearly Done

Well my space art seascape is nearly done. Can't see some of the water running over the big rocks in the foreground. looks great on the painting, looks not there in the photos. BUT "Companions" is nearly finished. Acrylic on 24 x 36 Canvas

Last Art-a-Day Post for 2011!

Wow, I can't believe how fast January and Art-a-Day Went!

Seems like it was only yesterday when I was panicking at 10:00 pm about what I was going to post for the day. Oh wait, that was everyday! haha, but no, this was a great experience and I'm so glad that I got to meet so many talented artists from the Tri-Cities and beyond. I will continue to post and make art everyday on my personal blog Here, and I can't wait to join you all next year!

Ok, enough of the good byes!

For my last post *Sniff-Sob-Sniff* I made this ink print at my art class. We carved out a relief on a foam pad, rolled ink on with a brayer and then printed (stamped) the foam carving onto a white board.

I made a robot, his name is Louis, and he's a bit nervous.

Did you notice it? I spelled my last name wrong because I was focused on signing it in an "edgy" way to match the rough print style. Its Sarah Bosserman not Bossermam

Oh Well, I doubt this picture will go any farther than my fridge!

Stay Artsy,

~Sarah Bosserman

Sony Battery Case insides

On Jan 20th I mentioned turning the camera battery compartment into an evening bag.  Here's the beginnings.  I'm thinking this should have taken maybe an hour.  It took well over 3.  Did anyone else have a day like that?  The first of many "those days" things was a pleasant sweet smell in my studio which turned out to be my "pickle" left on, water cooked off and the citric acid glassified in the pot.  Baking soda, elbow grease, brass brush and kitchen knife finally got it cleaned and back in service. 
The battery housing will be encased in copper.  Hope to pull off something of an Art Deco look.  Question - do I use the Sony shoulder strap or something fancier?
So far we have the innards pretty near done.  

This is it??!!

I learned about the Art-A-Day blog late last year. It has been a lot of fun, I have met new people, well, not really "new" people, I don't think anyway. None of you are really "new," are you? I know I'm not!

Anyway, it seems to me there is something here that should be carried on rather than let die for the next 11 months. "509 Art," needs exposure everywhere it can be obtained and this is one of those places.

Maybe a new look with another blog, "509 Art-A-Day," announcing monthly themes like: something "green," scenes through doors, hobbies, vacation scenes, grapes, wines, wineries, local landscapes, flowers, coffee mugs, nudes, urban sketches, etc.

This has been a lot of fun this month and I, for one, would like to see it continue on.

How about you?

"Sketchbook with Coffee on the Edge"

"Blonde with Hotlips"

Lunch Art

Well here is my contribution for Art-A-Day today. (so far) :) Had lunch at Ice Harbor Brewing today and couldn't resist making the lunch dishes into a FACE!! Goes to show you can make art outta anything if you are bored enough.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Silly Sketches

Well it's time to let my hair down and doodle for a while. So that's what I did. Having a little fun while sports or something similar was on tv. It's a real grab bag here, a couple more of the winged heart motif's, a swirly rose, and a hand raised in gratitude. I love the lyrical quality there ... makes me think of a henna pattern one might get inked on their hands. And then finally the little man (below): as you can see he got alarmed when I tried to close the book for the evening ... "don't close me off, he cried!" (perhaps he and Sarah's little fish man could get together and discuss life between the pages).

(ok, so I'm punchy too! g'nite)

Tiny Businessman

Hello all! Did you enjoy your Sunday?

For a good portion of it I Youtubed, painted and drank lots of lemon tea, my new favorite beverage. Yum! Tomorrow is the day I would normally work on the space mural , but unfortunately I have a dentist appointment. Blah, I'd much rather be painting, but good dental hygiene has it's perks.

After all that stimulating lemon tea, I sat down and knocked out this little portrait. It's of a goldfish Businessman. He is the CEO of a successful edible-seaweed food chain, and his name is Linus. Isn't he smart looking with his green tie and black suit?

I painted Linus on a tiny canvas, which is why his portrait was so quick! This isn't the only tiny portrait I done, the first one being this. I'm thinking that I'll make a bunch of these tiny portraites and hang them in a grouping on a wall...
Stay Artsy,
Sarah Bosserman

final submission

Here's my final submission for January - working on this little pear sampler to explore techniques and try to loosen up my style. I want to get away from trying to be so realistic and be more interesting in color choices/combos. This is a fun, quick way to experiment.

Thanks for organizing this Bobi and for including me - I had a blast!! It's been such a pleasure seeing everyone's journey and art. I'm seriously inspired!

What I Do - Finished (for now)

Well here it is. "What I DO" 24 x 36 Acrylic canvas. I added a few little details. Including cobwebs on me as well as the easel. Down at my feet I added, cup of coffee, bottle of beer and 3 cds. Some might guess what the bottle of beer is, but kudos to anyone who can see what the 3 music cds are. :)) I also included a little inset of the cds, not sure it's any better than the big picture, but whatever.. :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Green House Painting

After an hour of painting tonight I feel like it's starting to finally come together! Now, if only my camera would stop taking blurry photos, I could really show you it!
I'll try and take some pictures of it tomorrow in proper light.
Stay Artsy,
~Sarah Bosserman

Best Laid Plans

I really wanted to make something today.  Didn't matter what really, just wanted to have made something.  Instead I spent a whole lot of time engineering this piece I want to do.  It's another small box.  This one with a hinged lid with a window and inside will be two different aspects of an ocean scene, above the water and below.  It's multi-layered, the watch glass is curvy, I want to build in the ability to take it apart for cleaning an repair and I want to include a simple (though not so simple to me) mechanism to animate the underwater scene.  Can't do this one on the fly.  Have to design and figure it out on paper.  Too many variables for this little hound dog. 
pawing through scraps and possibilities.

"Silly Glasses"

So, the hardest part of this sketch is those doggone glasses. Wow, you know it really pays to go slow in the beginning and get the basic structures down well.

I hurried.

I didn't want to spend a lot of time, I figured I can get it right first time this time.

But, nooooooooo.

Oh well, I haven't done graphite portraits for a looooong time and I really like doing them. So, this is it for today here at Art-A-Day.

btw: This is supposed to be a fairly famous actor who is up for a Best Supporting Role this year. Can you identify him?

graphite, 4x5, Super Aquabee Sketchbook

mini Portrait #17

I enjoyed this mini portrait. It's based on a John Singer Sargent painting of a young girl from Capri. (sometimes copying a master is easier than painting from a live subject). The image I referenced was black/white so I made up the colors. She has a long nose, but in his profile it was lovely; and I'm not sure if the set of the eyes is quite right. This one was also started on a toned canvas... can you guess the color? You can see peeks of it in the hair - a bright red-orange tone. It almost burned my eyes when I laid the brilliant "bice" blue over top to create the background. I think I now fully understand the tension created when two complimentaries are next to each other. Well I'm nearly out of these mini canvases ... and my order from Cheap Joes hasn't yet arrived. They are on back order. Cross your fingers that they arrive soon!

figure sketches

My contribution to the figure sketching session, featuring Jessica. This is really a white sheet of paper, but when I went to adjust the levels these colors showed up - so we'll go with it. She was an excellent model. Hope to sketch and/or paint her again some day.
(BTW, not much from me recently as I came down with the stomach flu on Thursday. Finally feeling like a human again today.)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Quick Update

Quick Green House Update.
I painted the farthest GH and I'm about to work on the horizon glow. More pictures tomorrow!
Sleep Well, Stay Artsy,
~Sarah Bosserman

"SketchCrawlin' With Nancy"

At great risk to my reputation as a "fine" artist (cough, cough, choke), I'm posting this sketch of Nancy sketching because it's my first India Ink (and a bit of watercolor) image. Never used this stuff before and I think I have miles to go before I sleep. Help? Anyone?

Oh, *whew* , it was a dream... or was it?

"Man, what a b*tch!  So I drink a little now and then...  "

"Oh, wow... a dream..., heh, heh, whew..."

Ah, sweet release of creative endeavors

My brain is wadded up with banking, quickbooks, taxes, vision/mission/values statements, email, calendars, agendas, communications and on and on and on.... 
I'm escaping to the studio to unravel my mind..., i hope, i hope, i hope...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Art-a-Day Gallery Show

Set your plans for the MARCH 3rd  First Thursday Art Walk for the Art-a-Day 2011 show.  Michelle Allgaier has offered to host the show at Chell Design in Downtown Kennewick.  Thanks, Chell!

Details are still to be hashed out but  you have all of February to complete, hone, frame or whatever else you need to make your January works ready for show.  More details will follow.

By all means - keep on blogging as long as you want!  The blog is open 24/7 and it's always a bit of a let down as we redirect our lives.  One artist unable to "do" January is thinking of doing her own Art-a-Day challenge in February.  Whatever keeps your art and passion alive - go for it!

It's been such a pleasure.  Thank you.

Green Houses, First Layers Complete

Here is another progress report on my Green House Painting.
One of the reasons I painted over the sky and green houses is because I wasn't to start creating visual depth in my paintings. Working layers of shadow and color from the back all the way forward to the viewer. I want to make it so when you look at this it has a near tangible depth, so the first layers of black sky and misty green-blue are very important. Next I'll add shadows of ferns/trees in the GH (Green House) and I'm going to do some research to see how colors come forward and recede in galaxies. I'm thinking the cool colors are farther away and the warmer ones up front, but research must be done to be sure!

Wish me luck, this is going to be the biggest challenge I've faced yet with a paint brush!
Stay Artsy,
~Sarah Bosserman

Companions Again

Well final weekend is approaching. I plan to paint a lot more than I have been lately, even tho my painting has been a bit light still doing art everyday. BUT I worked on this tonight and on Tuesday. So here is version of Companions. LOt more pizazz going in.. I think. :)
You will notice that this is same paitning, but with different color. THATS just the bad photographer. And in fact the original is NOT as dark, really . :)) I can't wait to go there, the moon with the double suns, the beach. Have a few beers. and dream about Bobi's Metal SIMS :)

Figure Drawing Wednesday 1-26

Well I took part in the 509 Art space Figure Drawing class, the other night, Wednesday 1-26. That was fun, got to meet some new folks (new to me, NOT new to the world) It was a bit of struggle. Those who know me and hear what I ramble on about LOL.. know that I struggle with drawing of any kind. WELL after 28 years absent, IT was STILL a struggle. But I had a good time and wish to continue to better my drawing skills.

Top Ten! picked Terrie's (yes, our Terrie) blog to feature as a Top 10 home blog & this is what they wrote.  VERY COOL, huh?

Your Decorating Hotline
“Yes, this blog is keenly conceived, a breeze to navigate, and crammed with practical wisdom, but that’s not “Your Decorating Hotline’s” best feature.  If you have a design dilemma you can email it to Terrie and Cindy and they will help you.  If you include measurements, colors, photos, and details they’ll respond within 48 hours.  What other blog can do that?”


Part of this triptych was started the end of last year, and finished in January (the two on the right). The third one (left) was started and completed this month. They each measure 2ft x 4ft in size. It's a size I'm really enjoying. Unfortunately they are not a gallery wrap canvas, so will need to seek out a form of framing or mounting. They are meant to hang separately, rather than connected together. The landscapes are ethereal and all have a spiritual representation. The rose has an unfinished portion near the bottom, that I've finally grown comfortable with. I struggled to consider the rose part of the trio, but once I've had them arranged together in this way, they seem to complete each other. They are titled, "Beyond the Bounds of Earth" ... "Acceptance" ... "Blessings Float on Love's Wings".

"In the Zone"

So, this soccer mom saw some of my stuff and told me she would like me to paint a pic of her daughter playing soccer.

I took some personal liberties with it and charged her enough for a couple tanks of gasoline, at today's prices, and I never heard from her again.

Either I charged her too much, or she didn't like the painting, afterall there's not a blade of green grass, or blue sky, anywhere. Or both. Oh well.

watercolor, 9x12, Arches

And yoga too?!

This guy is scoring big points...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ceramic Gentleman, Finished!

My Gone-Native-Gentleman is all done with it's final firing!
The glossy finish and vibrant colors make me smile, not to mention his cocky grin.

I also just came home from my first life drawing class!
It went so well, I felt like my drawing skills have improved immensely!
Trying new things and developing techniques is such a challenge, but a worthy one for sure.
Stay Artsy,
~Sarah Bosserman

video download - not -

Tried to download a short video but it won't load.  Maybe too big.  Know of anyway to resize a video without special software?

Photo art continued

I enjoyed my last red mosaic using 80 1" snippets from photos so I made a green, blue and yellow one (green & yellow still under construction). Then I wondered what would happen if I used a silhouette to "paint" a picture. This one is my first trial and error with the 1" squares falling where they may. I think it could be lots more effective with a more deliberate placing of the squares, but that's for another day. I just wanted to get an idea of what's possible....

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sony Lens Cap Compact

A relatively quick little diversion today.  I added a piece of brass to the bottom of the lens cap housing. Kind of a funky, little punk compact?... pill case? ... snoose tin? ...lucky cricket house?...

More Adventures in Face Paint

After yesterday's exercise in ceramic mask painting I still found myself wanting to decorate with designs. Using my newly bought Sharpies (Hurray!) I made this pattern-filled portrait of a girl.

I may have gone over-board with the designs, but I was having such fun!

A close up of the braids.

Stay Artsy,
~Sarah Bosserman

computer art

Trying my hand at computer manipulation again .... filters, textures, add something in, take something out..... Make something new.

mini Portrait #16

Here she is again ... this time with a frontal view, cooler light, glasses, and eyelashes. Also am observing that the whites of the eyes are rarely really white--but we already knew that, right?. And the translucent skin takes on so many different tones.

Had a fun day, and delivered 3 paintings to the Mercer Estates Winery in Prosser. I've not been there before and so it's fun to be part of that. They have this gigantic wall, that is covered with a clay surface treatment. Very beautiful. I have no idea how they manage to hang art on these walls, they are using nails. Will post a picture of the display once it is hung.

Ringo Starr

This from a few years ago, but since I'm looking at it today, I'm thinking it qualifies, for Art-A-Day, right?

This is white charcoal,only, on black paper and I have the entire series of the Beatles done as such. The images were all inspired by their first American album, "Meet the Beatles," where they are all four shown with that marvelous side light on their faces.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Miniature #15 (process)

This "study" is based on a lovely painting by Jules Elie Delaunay "Portrait of Madame Georges Bizet (1849-1926)" (here's a link). My study was of the head only. Here are a series of images showing my progression to the finished image, and an attempt to make the face look feminine. The original feels so modern in style, though the clothing is definitely vintage. The canvas was toned with cerulean blue (a compliment to the basic skin tone). The skin tone is misleading in these photos, and most closely resembles the pinker tones from in the 3rd image. Hope this progression of steps is enlightening to some. I always enjoy seeing the artist's process so hope others do as well.

Step 1: After the canvas was toned in blue, shapes were blocked in.
Skin tone and background color identified.

Step 2: The nose and lips were defined and shadows are forming.
The chin is looking very masculine -- I'll get right on fixing that.

Step 3: Dark values were filled in and the hair (blue is still leftover
from the toned canvas). Chin size has been adjusted.

Step 4: Eyes defined and skin modeled. The original painting's model
has much deeper set eyes (so more in shadow). The skin tone is less yellow
in reality, and actually more closely resembles the image above.