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9th Annual Art-a-Day Challenge, January 2018!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28 (bw)

This is my equivalent of adding paint to multiple canvas'.  Components, cut outs, waxes and molds for casting for various works.  I managed the large cut outs (top) without any loss of blood.  :)    The castings are textures to be cast in silver and brass.  Get to try my new-to-me burn-out kiln and try what is called steam-casting; using a wet towel shoved down on a 1300+degree casting and molten metal creating steam to shove the metal deep into the mold.  The old-timey way before vacuum casting.  Like Delia, breathe in...  breathe out...

1 comment:

Laura Gable said...

looks exciting. Can't wait to see what it will become.