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9th Annual Art-a-Day Challenge, January 2018!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Year end goal, to be accepted into a juried show

This 16" x 48" at 10epi (ends per inch), tapestry is woven vertically, but the scene is sideways.  So view this taco style!
Each bobbin bundle has six strands of color. Gobelin and Aubusson Tapestry methods are woven with discontinuous
 weft (horizontal).  Therefore shapes are built up like individual bricks, one on top of the other, not all the way across.  

For the month of January, I wove 32 hours, only 96 hours to complete the weaving!  I moved the bobbins out of the way for this picture.

The pink cone in the back most resembles the full ounce that all of these cones initially were wound with.  The greens, black, brown are on the right side of the tapestry loom. Tapestry Nerd,  Patti Kirch


Unknown said...

Patti I love your colors man it takes a long time finish. You are a great weaver. What show are you going for? Keep up the good works. Gail

patti said...

Thank you Gail,
An American Tapestry Alliance sponsored show.

a woman who is said...

Patti your work is stunning. So fun just like your sketched. Man you have to have patience to do that. Amazing!

Bobi Wilson said...

Stunning and amazing. I am bowing low with appreciation. Awesomeness!

patti said...

Closet Weaver trying to emerge....
Similar to tennis, I like to practice.
Thank you art friends