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9th Annual Art-a-Day Challenge, January 2018!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Mini Portrait #5

Had a little more fun today with the miniature portrait study. I found it more rewarding than mimicking a master painter's work (Gericault ... see my last post). This study was based on a family photo of my Dad (though it's not an exact likeness). He had a mischievous look on his face. A kitten had curled up in the crook of his arm and fallen asleep. Unfortunately with only 25 square inches of real estate here, I didn't have room for the kitty. Perhaps the next painting...

While I was busy with the process, my friend came in and we were sharing family remembrances. She had just lost her father on New Year's day. With her coaxing, I continued to paint and we marveled at the bittersweet coincidence that I was painting my Father, while we talked about hers.


Lapoynte said...

Laura, -You're getting so darned good!!
Dave Poynter

Jim Bumgarner said...

This is beautiful! And in one sitting? Wow!

Laura Gable said...

When you know a person, it seems easier for me to infuse the personality into the painting (if that makes sense). So the challenge is to do the same for those I don't know as well...
Love to hear the comments. Thanks so much, Ace Ventura, Jim and Chelly.