We're still in holiday mode around here, more family arrives tonight., more laughing, more eating. :) Things will be back to normal by Wednesday. Today we took a bit of a walk by the Columbia River at Chiawana Park Lovely sunny day!
I dislike and am intimidated by cameras, very much not my comfort zone - though very grateful to have some way to take part with art-a-day right now. Still learning the ins and outs of my phone and its camera. It's set for high res images though randomly (seems to me) takes very low resolution.as it did with these - dadgum-it!

Loevly photographs Bobi!
I too enjoy staking rocks ^_^
When I visit Portland in the oncoming weeks I hope to sit by a river and be a zen master staker for a bit.
I knew these photos were by you before I even looked at the name! Does that mean you're getting predictable? Say it isn't so! :) Hi or Lo resolution, the feeling comes through and ultimately, that's the point.
If having a "thing" for rocks is being predictable, then absolutely! I've never met a rock I didn't love. and most want to come home with me...
Ah, yes, Sarah. May your rocks be warm. :)
Ahhhh, Master Rock Stacker. I have this theory that all the rocks I don't stack are stacked by the Master Rock Stacker, are you him/her?
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